BP Oil spill in Gallons
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
How close are we to filling Giant Stadium with oil?
Monday, June 28, 2010
Come Wednesday it won't be alright
BP Station owners really feeling it now! As they should be!
Cheney's Strategic Heart Trouble
The great part about heart trouble is, anyone who asks you anything tough and disturbing, could be accused of attempted murder.
Heart trouble becomes Dick's time-out, his safe zone, his ...well, you get the drill.
Dick has a lot of information in that big ole melon of his and we NEED that information. We need to understand what went on during those energy meetings that lasted 100 days. We need to know how retired from Halliburton Dick really was when he was serving as vice president/prime mover.
But we will get none of it. Dick is now "convalescing" and there is nothing more vulnerable than a "senior citizen" in convalescence mode.
I have to marvel at how much power Dick has. Big media has forgotten all about his shady connections with the two companies - Halliburton and BP - now at the center of the deadliest oil spill on the face of the earth. Big media barely registered a hiccup at his hospitalization.
Shhhh, children. Mustn't notice these things.
The NWO freaks -HEY, RIGHT OR WRONG! - seem to get less freaky in my eyes as the days of this thing wear on.
My prediction is that Dick will be wheeled out of hospital, will wave while grinning devilishly, as he is deposited into a black Cadillac limousine. And this is the last we will hear of Dick for a good long while.
And Big Media with its big, dumb, unknowing, glazed, purposefully oblivious eye, will focus in on something trivial, something useless, some sordid tale of wrong done some celebrity non-entity to divert our gnat-like attention.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Robert Redford Calls out Dick Cheney
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
More Fucking Lies from Officialdom, Big Media
Monday, June 21, 2010
Tony's Little Yachting Adventure
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Tony Hayward gets Grilled, baby, grilled
Monday, June 14, 2010
We go on Geraldo
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
A Halliburton or BP Inside Job? Others ask the question as well
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

By David Kearns
Sung to the tune of
by Jimmy Buffett
Slippin on mud cakes
Watching the sun bake
All of those dead birds covered in oil
Knee deep in muck rings
Covered in Benzenes
My hazmat suit is
beginning to boil
Wasted away again in Oilavidaville
Searchin for my, lost tablet of salt
Some people claim that Tony Hayward’s to blame
But I know, it's partly our fault.
Don’t know the reason
Stayed her all season
Nothing to show but
black- toxic spew
But there’s booms in the water
And they’re all covered with slaughter
And not one person
Is having a clue
Wasted away again in Oilavidaville
Searching for my lost pocket of oil (ahl)
Some people claim that Tony Hayward’s to blame
And I’m thinking
Partly our fault?
We put them in congress
And they went rogue on us
Drill baby dr-llin under the sea
Some bastard got rich again
By killin the pelicans
Those that lsurvived now
can’t even see!
They blew out the rig top
And now the oil it just won’t stop
Gushing on up out of the of the heavenly blue
And now that old bayou
Is slathered in myre, you
Can’t believe what they say
Buddy, nothing is true
Just wasted away again in Oilavidaville
Searching for every, last droplet of oil
Some people claim that Tony Haward’s to blame
And I know, hell yes it’s his fault.
Yes and
Some people claim that Tony Hayward’s to blame
And I am thinking
Oh, it’s all Bp’s fault
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Stories and Mother-Fucking Fairy Tales
The Word is Getting out on Boycott

Here we are, now world famous Stanley Morton III is interviewed by the BBC World News
Thursday, June 3, 2010
BP has no intention of shutting off the flow
Every decision they have made has been based on what?